The powers

2019-08-05 | 07:37h
2021-05-15 | 10:07h

It took Edison 10,000 failures to create the light bulb. Mozart wrote music for ten years before creating one of his famous pieces. Einstein’s teachers thought he was mediocre,yet they all made it big. This is because they worked really, really hard and they never gave up,so can you. When you are working hard,its natural to keep running into obstacles,to feel stressed and tense,its okay,everyone who succeeded before you faced the same challenges and so will you,don’t quit.

Sometimes we want to take corners,we want the easiest way and things to come to us in a simple ways but we forget that when we cut corners,when we take short cuts ,when we don’t solve the smallest problems now,we are cutting into our future,creating even bigger problems. Quick fix is neither quick nor it fixes anything. We should know,acknowledge and let our mind be set firmly and ‘stickly’ that nothing grows in comfort zone and even if it grows from comfort zone it’s has a consequence to its. Nothing is for free. It’s like stealing,you steal something you enjoy it’s for free but there is a consequences of being caught,humiliation,jail and people cutting you out. When you sweat for something,you enjoy showing off because you worked really hard for it. In that in mind we should shake things up,,think like a teenager,be curious,be a rebel,learn from everyone you meet but do not be in your comfort zone and most important of all do not give up no matter what.

No matter what you chase,never give up,it’s not easy,even when you enjoy it!This is because we all have good and bad days in our lives. What we need to do is to embrace the good days and fight like hell through the bad. Success may not be today,may not be tomorrow and may not be the day that is after tomorrow but it’s there and success is Action Now. Do not stop,magic is once you start,momentum keeps you going.

I always tell myself that the moment i give up is the day I succeed. you may wake up one day and say”well I am not succeeding,I tried for one month and it never worked am going to stop” Do not stop.

If you stop,you will not succeed because you would have succeeded the next day. Do not look back you’re not going that way,what you have to do is Dream big,Start small but must of all start without giving up,no matter what happens keep moving forward because your success is your responsibility and nobody else responsibility

Improve your focus. When hit by a setback,snap out of it by asking yourself how you are feeling,what lessons did you learn and what you are going to do about it. This is because where there is no risk there is no failures and where there is no failures there is no success. Do not compare ,never think you are no best. Focus on your goals and do your best.

Held your head high and just whisper to him this, “Dear God ,grant me courage to change things I can change and wisdom to know the difference”,and at the end of it all you will realise that handwork pays off no matter what.

Lastly,most of the time your mind just makes up stuff. Some things happens and you have a thought about it. It is not always the reality,it is your perception of reality.


Very inspirational writing.


This is a great piece Nyakio… Very insightful


So motivating


Thank you


My pleasure ‍♀️


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