Author: Nyakio


Set goals

We are designed to be goal striving beings. That is why we feel incomplete until we are functioning as we were made to function as a goal seeker and driver. Remember,no goal no success.

Time matters don’t waste it

Everyone gets 86,400 seconds in a day. What you do matters. Don’t waste even a second wandering aimlessly. You have everything you need to act. Power to choose is in you. You are powerful,you matter.

Never stop learning

The more you learn the more opportunities you have. If you want to continue succeeding,never stop learning. Learn from books,learn from others,learn by serving others. Learning is like raindrops on dry ground. Only a blade of grass that catches fire and uses a raindrop grows and prospers. Keep learning. Keep striving. Keep succeeding.

Do your thing

Be curious,be restless,be motivated by novelty,have a burning desire to control your life,open to new experiences,be drawn to learning new things,be obsessed with getting better. That the thing,keep doing your thing because you will be on your way to great success.

Work hard

Work in hard,working long hours is not bad for your health as long as you have a strong purpose. Long hours become workaholism only when work and purpose get disconnected. Purpose,hard work and great success go together.

Start from the bottom

Unless you are digging a hole,Starr at the bottom. That is how you learn,grow and succeed. If you are not growing you are nor succeeding.

Have pride in what you do.

Have pride in your work but do not let pride get in your head. Nothing blocks us more than pride. If you want to continue to stay on your path to great success,stay humble.

Believe you will succeed

You have got to believe you will succeed. You know there will be obstacles,there will be pitfalls. Things will not go as planned,people will laugh at you but you are not going to give up because you already know that you are going to succeed.

Do not quit

No matter how tough circumstances are,it’s in your control to have a great attitude,to give your very best,to treat people well,to be grateful for being alive,to give because as long as you are alive,hope is alive. Success is just a matter of time. Forget your weakness,stop fixing them,there is no success in dwelling on your weaknesses. Focus on your strengths,build on your strengths and never quit.

You are not a failure

Just because you failed on something does not mean you are a failure. You are not a failure. You do things which fail or succeed. Failing is just a stepping stone to success. You cannot fail because your failures are just lessons you are learning on your way to success.


Try this and success will follow;

Take risk

Taking risk is scary but its worth. If you fail you will gain experience and you will be wiser. If you win you will be happy.

Make mistakes and fail

Without failure success would never be sweet. Mistakes are the imperfections that push us to aspire to perfection. In fact,they are not mistakes they are lessons about what works and what does not work.

Do not quit

Falling is a step but quitting is a setback

Never wait

If you wait until you are ready you will never be ready. You will be waiting for the rest of your life.

Test your limit

Never settle for less than you deserve. Challenging yourself helps you to perform at your peak. So get out of your comfort zone.

Choose positivity.

Train your mind to see the good in everything. Your success depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Repeat this every morning;

  1. I am the best
  2. I will do it
  3. I will take action
  4. Today I will dominate


Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large .Dr J. Lopez stated that when we are excited about what is next,we invest more in our daily life and we can see beyond current strategies. Regardless of age,most people have an optimistic bias,generally believing that tomorrow holds some promises and that things can change for the better.

Key element of hope is agency. Agency makes us the author of our life. Its makes us feel responsible for our goals and its what fires up our motivation and persistence when the going gets tough.

Hope allows you to approach problems with mindset and strategy best suitable to success,thereby increasing the chances of accomplishing the goals. Emily Dickson quotes hope as a thing with feathers. It peaches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.

Whatever your mission is,keep moving forward. Stay firm in your mission and take hope as your weapon. Be flexible in your method. There is no tried and blueprint you have to stick to achieve your goals. There are many ways to achieve your goals. Obstacles are a way of strengthening your sense of hope. Nothing worth having comes easy. Hold your head high,move forward and set a belief in your mind that;the future will be better than the present. You have the power to make it so and there are many paths to your goals but none of them are free of obstacles.

I always tell myself that,I don’t know what lies around the bend but I am going to hope that the best does. That what makes me move forward. Its what keeps me focused because there is genuine hope that can bring success to me.

Like a rain on a droughts ridden desert,hope will refresh your life and it will bring you lasting peace.

Bear in mind that, hope is power.

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