Duke of Sussex

Just like the infamous Brexit, we weren’t given the full terms of the deal, we weren’t assured of the implications and the outcome. We no longer have access to Prince Harry and what’s worse the entire UK and Royal Family combined cannot hold our attention for more than 24 hours.

By; @ifeomaDr, follow her on Twitter! https://twitter.com/IfeomaDr?t=mwuSQxyx7DOJRYryG8ZfYg&s=09

There has been a plethora of comments about what Harry is supposed to be doing. It appears some people have collectively lost their minds and memories. Prince Harry asked to serve the Queen but wanted some independence from the Royal Purse and Royal Rota.

We held whole summit in Sandringham was held and it was decided to let him go. I use the collective word “we” because “we” consider the Monarchy as a family. When you let a member of your family go it’s because you decided that their wishes were impossible to be met.

Prince Harry was very clear about what he was going to do. He said he would continue to serve and that he would be using independent and grassroot media? Why are we suddenly surprised? Who drummed it into our heads that he would “disappear”?

A whole Prince of England, Someone actually thought Prince Harry would be living outside England and he wouldn’t get deals? He wouldn’t be popular and successful outside the Royal Family? I could have told anyone that for free. It would have been better to agree to his plan.

It is not Prince Harry from the outside looking in. Oh no. It is the UK media and Royal Family looking OUT. We can no longer dictate what Prince Harry can or cannot do, how much money he has or how many bathrooms are in his mansion. We are now bystanders waiting for his every move

Just like the infamous Brexit, we weren’t given the full terms of the deal, we weren’t assured of the implications and the outcome. We no longer have access to Prince Harry and what’s worse the entire UK and Royal Family combined cannot hold our attention for more than 24 hours.

Credit/: https://twitter.com/IfeomaDr?t=mwuSQxyx7DOJRYryG8ZfYg&s=09

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