Meghan markle

Royal reporting has become a joke.They don’t care about the Royal Family, their work, charities or engagements. They care about the Sussexes.

Royal reporting has become a joke. Clearly before the Sussexes there wasn’t much to do, except report on the hats and coats the Royals wore to events. When Meghan Markle stepped into the scene, it was article after article after article about utter bullshit.

They don’t care about the Royal Family, their work, charities or engagements. The UK Royals have announced a series of “big projects” which the press barely spent time on yet one whiff of anything the Sussexes are doing it’s analysis after analysis for weeks on end.

They care about the Sussexes. Even when nothing is happening, the press will create a story to keep the gossip going, it is guaranteed to get attention, attention means money. Going back to the old days on reporting on the Meghan sister in law wardrobe is not an option.

Instead we must hear about the “15 bathrooms”, “20 million dollar Netflix deal”, “30 million dollar book deal”, “the 17 lies told at the interview”. This is where the money resides. This is what their readers want to hear. Who cares about climate change, Earth shot, Early years?

Certainly not the “royal audience”. There in lies the dilemma because when you put a magnifying glass on the comments from this audience I am certain the palace are worried. These are not the kind of “friends” you want on your team. They are not the future.

Many with common sense move away from the kind of distasteful commentary in the British tabloid media- they are attracted to charity, justice, equality and impactful work. This daily obsession of fantasising on the Sussexes is no longer trendy. It’s old, it’s boring, it’s done.

If you look at prince Harry’s recent life closely perhaps last two years, you will notice that he has been more aware and alert. He is not killing time but trying to accomplish and take over mountains. He is initiating himself to become the person he himself want to be but not what his critics want him to be.

What does being a real man entail? How many men like the idea of being a man?

We can agree that being a real man is more than just wearing a pants.

Prince Harry ‘critics’ thinks they know what being a man entails and how the Duke of Sussex should behave in order to be a real man but often they are mistaken. Being a man is not being a chauvinist who runs down women, children or little cats with no say in the house.

A real man is aware that he is wired to fight battle, rescue a beauty (Meghan Markle) and live an adventure. In this case if you ask me ,that is precisely what our good king Harry is doing.

If you look at prince Harry’s recent life closely perhaps last two years, you will notice that he has been more aware and alert. He is not killing time but trying to accomplish and take over mountains. He is initiating himself to become the person he himself want to be but not what his critics want him to be.

Moving out of UK was a process for Prince Harry to learn and accomplish certain things that he could not while still there.

Initiation to manhood involves series of test. In case of Harry,choosing between the firm and his family was a test ,and to be honest he passed. Real men learn to feel the would. Being slammed for leaving the monarchy and his “poor family” is a would which he admitted hurt and was not shameful to admit.

He understands that acting like a hero in a movie who even after being wounded keeps on charging at the enemy won’t lead to a good direction. Prince Harry understand that would can come from words spoken by a person of authority and can be accepted as the reality. As a result,the wounded man can try to prove that he is a man by indulging in destructive behavior or activities which is what his ‘critics’ want from him .

By writing this memoir prince Harry is removing false identity. When his mother died he built walls and defense mechanism to putt off further pain but by writing this book and talking more often of his pain, truth is he is shedding these shields,walls and barriers and this has to be a way of his healing. This does not sit well with his ‘critics’ and that why they lable him as not being a real man.

But doe his ‘critics’ really understand what being a real man entails?

What does a working royal mean?. Is it the number of hours spent working for the Royal Family?

I find these discussions very interesting. It speaks to the assumptions about how the Royal Family, essentially a family business using taxpayer money works. We have made assumptions on what a “full time” working royal means. Is it the number of hours spent working for the Royal Family?

Is it the location/property where the duties are carried out? Is there a full that someone who works “full time” cannot undertake any other personal engagements? Example as an NHS worker, could you not own a private business on the side generating separate income?

It is naive to think that the way the Royals work is set in stone. It is not. It boils down to money and control. Basically prince Harry wanted to earn his own money and still work for the Queen. Which normal person wouldn’t want that? Earning his own money came with issues.

Would he be funded only for royal engagements? He would need security for both private and public work, was there an option to split this? Especially if he was going to be at another location. More importantly he would be making his own rules regarding media involvement.

We all know prince Harry’s intention was to not work with the Rota. Was all this possible? Hell yes! Any business person would have negotiated the hell of that deal before letting Harry, “chief impact officer” go. An entire cash cow, your money maker, your key player. Nah. They fumbled.

They played to the gallery. The Queen was busy shielding Andrew, the media were crying out for blood and they fed prince Harry to the wolves. Then the media coined this “half in, half out” terminology to convince us that prince Harry was asking for the moon to do the work he was already doing.

They said he wanted to have his cake- this same cake that they were all eating. Nah. Because Harry and Meghan eating that cake, being free to roam the world, doing good would make them unstoppable. And in so doing, open the Firm to further scrutiny with respect to funding

If Harry can do it- make his own money, make impactful changes in the world, work for the Firm, then why not all Royals? The public could want more financial transparency. The media would descend again. And ofcourse there’s the argument about “popularity envy”

The palace indeed fumbled and have been trying to pick up the pieces since then. They lost a key player and cannot really justify why.

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