Month: October 2019


Commitment is the essence of ultimate secret to getting absolutely everything you want. Its willingness to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. Willingness is a mental attitude that state if it takes waking up 3 in the morning to accomplish your goals then you will wake up 3 in the morning. This means that to succeed,you will make a commitment to do whatever it takes regardless of the nature of the conditions involved.

This means that you have to make a commitment to achieve your goals then you will follow through with relentless determination and action until you achieve the desired result.

There is power that exist and its becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want and you are fully determined not to quit until you achieve it.

Commitment is the act of having passion for what you do. Its helps you discover how bad you want to succeed. It leads to ownership and ownership will lead you to success.

Commitment is the principal of all. It will help you to make a pledge that will obligates you to do what it takes for you to succeed.

If there is anything that can affect how you think its commitment. Its extremely powerful and to succeed you need perseverance. Perseverance can only happen if you have a heartfelt,longterm commitment. The temptation to give up will arise but it is commitment you will have made that will help you get through and find success.

Jeff Keller argued in his book that,when you are committed,its likely you will not be derailed. Those who are not committed are derailed easily thus not achieving their goals

For instance,most people start a business with approach of ‘I will give it one year if it does not work out after one year I will quit This is where commitment separates the winners from losers. The committed people are going to hang in there and prevail no matter what. If it takes a little longer then they thought so be it,but they will never quit. Those who are not committed are going to give up the ship when things don’t work out.

Just stay true to yourself,set long term goals,turn problems into opportunities and make commitment to do whatever it takes and start moving forward.

Remember, one person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest.

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