“Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. It’s your life. Do what makes you happy.” As you can see, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and his family, wife and children are happy despite them not being part of tax funded royals

There will be haters, there will be doubters, there will be non-believers, and then there will be you proving them wrong.” Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex have a lot of haters,from British Royal Family, British Media and some British right wing people and Also their Own family members. That has not stopped Harry and Meghan from proving them wrong that despite their efforts,they still rise.

‘”Society is going to judge you anyway, so do whatever you want to do.'”
The power couple, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex have time and time demonstrated that no matter what they do, either helping a women repair their roof, visiting the grieved or donating in their children names, being silent or commenting on important matters, some people will always criticize. Whether good or bad there is always But. So in regard to that as people will never keep their mouth shut, it would be great to do whatever makes you happy as you can’t satisfying everybody.

“We don’t need the world’s acceptance. They are too hard on me. They’re too hard on you, boy. I’ll always be your secret weapon in your arsenal.” As Beyonce put it in her recent Album RENAISSANCE, the World is too hard on Prince Harry and Meghan,some are waiting on their baited breath for their failure but Harry and Meghan have demonstrated that they are each other’s weapon. True to the matter, during their Engagement interview, Prince Harry,The Duke of Sussex stated that ““She chooses me and I choose her and therefore whatever we have to tackle together or individually will always be us together as a team”

Harry and Meghan teaches us that we should Worry about our character not our reputation. our character is who we are. our reputation is who people think we are. Many people who have never met Meghan,The Duchess of Sussex have given their opinion on her, ‘i think she thinks ‘ “I ”think” she thought”‘ are what the hate mongers have started with, in regard to talking about The Duchess of Sussex. Their opinions are always based on what think the Duchess of Sussex is and not who The Duchess of Sussex is.

We Don’t have to be silent. Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex is the most beautiful woman,who doesn’t have to be defined by stereotype of ordinary woman who has to follow the rules of keeping silent to be deemed classic . She rightfully challenged the MOST notorious newspaper in UK , Daily fail as she refered to it’s. According to report, that palace was against the idea of the Duchess suing the paper but in spite of that, she went ahead and Won.

“Financial Remedies have been agreed” -DailyFail
A good life is the best revenge.
I wholeheartedly agree, they’re great human beings and demonstrate ‘to whom much is given, much is required’. They give back joyfully and respectfully.
I wish them the best. They are a beautiful family🙏🏻❤️💐
The win for Meghan in the court shows just how bad British tabloids oh are.
Love their love