Month: July 2020

Take a look at these Rules of being successful

To be successful you have to follow a certain criteria or rules. let take a look at some of the criteria that can help us if we follow them consistently.

Taking risk. Ever heard of nothing worth of having comes easily? Yes everything worth of having has been taken risk for. If you don’t take risk you will never learn if you fail. So take a risk because if you fail you will learn if you succeed you will be happy.

Help people. Helping people is one of the path to success. While helping you interact with them and while interacting you learn different and new things that will help you.

Write your ideas down. Writing your ideas down will help you to turn them into a successful product because without an idea you have no direction and without direction you have no a destination.

Be aggressive . Having ideas is not enough,you have to be committed and being idealitically aggressive in order to win the Sussess war. You can’t write the ideas down and be soft about,no you have to be rough for a good outcome.

Looking back and saying”I can’t believe I did that”, rather than, “I wish I did that”.

Often do we aspire to do something or achieve something and then all of a sudden we hold back. It’s not because we have tried to do and it’s has backfired,no, its because we think we won’t make it even though we have not tried a little bit yet. The fire of achieving what we want is there inside but the fire for action is not there.

Why do we lack motivation for action,what put us off from Making the fantasy the reality? Is it the art of procrastination or it’s just simply we limit ourselves low? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves.

I want you to write all the things you have aspired to achieve, because it’s not yet too late you know, start from the simplest to the tough ones,and trust me it’s going to be the momentum.

I did this yesterday and trust me,I am on the right path,so should you my friend,now go on and start, because it’s better to look back and say I can’t believe I did that than I wish I did it.

What are you doing about your desires?

Hey,here we are,how are you guys , hope you are holding up well as I am. Have just woken up and was like, what am I going to do to improve my life you know,and I was like I don’t feel the satisfaction of accomplishments,you know when you have done something,it’s successful and you are like, wow! I did that. To be honest, I don’t feel that at all and not that I have done anything to make me feel accomplished.

Frankly,there some yearning in me, that make me desire to achieve something. Whenever I read or here someone did this or that and succeeded,I get fired up and say am going to try and see whether I can also make it, because the success of that person has motivated me to yearn for my own sussess.

Say it’s devil or lack of self motivation,the moment I say am going to try it,the second the fire is off. I don’t know what drives out that desire to make something of myself out. I don’t know whether you guys experience it or it’s just me,but you know what am going to desire double if there is even anything like that because nothing comes easy,it’s might be easy to hear someone say I did this and succeeded and we say in our mind that am going to do it than actually doing it.

With that waking up thought,am going to put every effort to be sussessful and I want you to join me in pushing that desire into action. Let start,not tommorow,not the day after but today and now.

See you!

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