If you look around you will see so clearly that people stress too much. Almost everyone has a big pile of crap they churn over day after day. It’s normal. Only it doesn’t have to be. People resign themselves to be a product of what has happened to them without realizing that they have a choice of who to be in any given moment. Change takes an instant. A journey should teach you to use your energy in a positive way. Don’t angst, don’t stress and don’t worry. The shit that’s going to happen is going to happen anyway.
The other thing, don’t ever justify what makes you, you, or how good you are. You don’t have to stand up and be counted for shit that doesn’t matter. You want to eat a feast, you eat one. You don’t have to justify how much or how little is on your plate. Not ever. None of it ever matters – we are all as equally as important as the next person. There is no top dog, just an illusion of one.
Look away, think something nice for a minute, and bish bosh bang. Done. What feeding anxiety does is exacerbates, so if you are in pain all the time don’t suffer the pain, because pain is there for a reason. And that reason does not have to define you.
A journey should teach you to use your energy in a positive way. Don’t angst, don’t stress and don’t worry. The shit that’s going to happen is going to happen anyway.

Very good ::
It only stops hurting when I Laugh