duke of Sussex

From memory, and someone will surely have the receipt, the transitional year was meant to mean continued funding until Harry and Meghan had another source of income. That means initially Charles agreed to fund them April 2020 to end of March 2021
Charles cut them off July 2020.

For people who can’t or rather won’t understand because it’s easier to hate them if you can misinterpret them. The first quarter of 2020 MEANS April through June 2020. The new tax year begins in April. How are this many people reaching adulthood not knowing what Quarter 1 is???

From memory, and someone will surely have the receipt, the transitional year was meant to mean continued funding until Harry and Meghan had another source of income. That means initially Charles agreed to fund them April 2020 to end of March 2021
Charles cut them off July 2020.

Harry has an inheritance that’s likely into the millions, but they also need security that costs into the millions. Especially because the press has riled up the public into a hate filled frenzy which likely means death threats/ real attempts

To recap, after not being able to earn an income as a working royal, Charles cut off his son after 3 months knowing they had a security cost burden into the millions due to threat that they inherited and that the palaces at the v least did nothing to diffuse when it escalated

Why would you do this to your own child?

Yes we aren’t talking of them being instantly broke, but of a very real security threat that only exists because he is Charles and Diana’s son/the Queens grandson, and as a visible ex-serviceman and a cost of several millions to cover it

That’s not to mention the escalation in threat once the vitriol against Meghan started.

So yes Harry and Meghan began to look for sources of income that would meet their financial needs to cover security and their charitable ones. But why are the BRF/Bmedia so mad about it?

Well no one cuts off their child 3 months into a 1 year arrangement if they aren’t using finance and in this case the very real threat of danger to life to coerce them into doing what they want. It’s financial and emotional abuse and bad parenting for rich people 101

They wanted Harry and Meghan to fail.

To crawl back and quietly take whatever abuse they were dealt from the media with the knowledge that the physical safety it afforded them was contingent on their silence. That their mental health meant nothing & they could never leave.

All of this safety will go away if they stepped out of line again. They should take Meghan being demonised for existing by the media for wearing the wrong colour tights or nail polish, or eating avocados. As long as it makes the heir and his spouse look good by comparison.

And the warning shot was having their physical safety put at direct risk. No more funding for security, locations revealed etc. In the hope that the cost would send them running back. But they said no.

Wealth doesn’t mean that you can’t be made to feel scared, or powerless, or small in the face of the machinery working to keep you trapped & quiet. Harry and Meghan said no, despite all that. It takes a lot to walk away knowing it might be the end of everything you know .

But they did walk away. They negotiated multimillion dollar deals in order to be able to fund their security AND continue their charitable works. So what now? What can the BRF do now they they didn’t fail?

The media isn’t misconstruing every third word accidentally. You don’t accidentally misunderstand someone saying their child likes books read TO THEM as a 2 year old is reading their own books. You don’t pretend the meaning of Quarter 1 has somehow been changed.

And all of this ‘misinterpretation’ doesn’t just conveniently coincide with bad news about the ones who didn’t dare to leave. This is continued punishment, and an example to others stay in line or you will never know peace.

The BRF could have had everything the Harry and Meghan have achieved from books, to charity events to tv programs as part of their own successes. If only they’d been willing to stand up for them even a little.

But they’d rather not be made to look bad for doing barely anything in comparison. If the ‘journalists’ who supposedly report without ‘fear or favour’ actually reported THE truth rather than their own made up version of it once in a while I wonder if anything would change?

At the moment they seem intent on reinventing facts and added interpretation where the truth speaks for itself. They really are telling people to reject the evidence of their own eyes and ears.

Where is the article decrying use of a helicopter 47 TIMES by the man doing the environment documentary? Where is the reporting on the empty easy jet PR stunt that was used to make heir and spouse look like ‘normal’ people when Harry and Meghan were caught using private jet?

Harry and Meghan are human, they will make genuine mistakes. But they are out there trying their BEST in an environment/media that is waiting for them to fail, to stumble, to err so they can make money from writing about it, deflect bad news with it, say I told so.

I hope the Monarchy is aware that they are hurting themselves by targeting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and duchess of Sussex.

By; https://twitter.com/TudorChick1501?s=09

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”

Surely, one would think they would stop digging their own graves.

Happy Petty Friday!

In a mere 7 days, we’ve seen the birth of a new Sussex, racist digs by a now-fired Telegraph columnist, and the reemergence of “palace sources”, which we all know is code for “courtier.”

So, let’s dive in!

The birth of Baby-Girl Sussex was going to make news, and even Meghan and Harry must have known that naming their daughter “Lilibet Diana” was going to set off the press and trolls who look for any excuse to skewer them. It’s the “palace source” story that really needs examining….

Now, any experienced Sussexsquad knows that “palace source” is code for courtier. Meghan & Harry have had their fair share of courtier drama in the past, but this new dustup appears to have caught them off guard. They have a good relationship with the Queen.

So what is going on?

After positing this question to a couple of fellow Sussexsquads over a nice bottle of California red (my personal favorite, no disrespect to Italy or France) a friend took a deep sigh & said “Girl, this is Edward Young. It’s got his name written all over it.”

We all agreed….

Now, in case you don’t know, Edward Young is the Queen’s private secretary. In 2017 he replaced the brilliant & well-respected Christopher Geidt at the insistence of Prince Charles & Prince Andrew.

Here’s where things get particularly interesting…..

Apparently both Princes Charles & Andrew had been gunning for Christopher Geidt for quite awhile. Charles, eager to take on more power & more of a leadership role, felt that Geidt was not giving his office the respect & control that it properly deserved.

And Andrew, well….

Andrew wasn’t a fan of Geidt’s tight control of his personal spending. Additionally, Geidt was determined to protect the Queen from any scandal regarding Jeffrey Epstein, whose case in the US was getting a lot of press coverage. Quietly, Geidt lessened Andrew’s public presence.

So, it was determined by Charles & Andrew that Geidt had to go. Despite Geidt’s excellent track record as press secretary, The Queen, around 91 at this time, voiced her displeasure but didn’t put up much of a fight. I mean who wants to spend their last years fighting over staff?

So, Edward Young was installed. As Private Secretary, he’s aware that his rise to such position was facilitated by Charles & Andrew. He’s aware that Her Majesty, the Queen, will not live forever, & he is also aware that, when unhappy, Charles & Andrew can get people sacked.

What has resulted at Buckingham Palace, I am told, is a revolving door of courtiers whispering, plotting, & leaking on behalf of independent royal household interests, & not at the behest or in interest of the Queen herself.

Very sad, indeed.

It is also worth mentioning that Edward Young is not personally a fan of Meghan Markle. This may explain why the leaks against Harry & Meghan go particularly unchecked, & why Harry & Meghan are demonized in the press without a Palace word, whilst stories of Andrew are buried….

Over our bottle of wine, my friends & I agreed that Edward Young has helped to make a fine mess of the Monarchy, the Queen’s legacy, & Britain’s international reputation in just a few short year’s time, as we wondered how different things would be, had Geidt not been disposed of.

I guess we’ll never know.

What we do know, is that it appears that Harry & Meg really do have a good relationship with the Queen, that most of what the Harry & Meg have said has turned out to be 💯% true, & that really, REALLY angers some powerful people back at home….


Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex – pre royal life achievements

At the age of 11, meghan lobbied a dishwasher soap manufacturer to change its sexist TV commercial

Graduated from Northwestern University in 2003 with a double major in theater and international studies.Worked At The U.S. Embassy In Buenos Aires, ArgentinaWorked as a freelance calligrapher as a side job“When I was auditioning, at the onset, instead of waiting tables, I did calligraphy,”

Launched a lifestyle blog, “The Tig”, a “hub for the discerning palate – those with a hunger for food, travel, fashion & beauty.”

Counsellor for international charity One Young World.Participating in the One Young World 2014 Summit in which she joined a panel for the ‘Bridging the Gap’ session.

Visited Afghanistan with the United Service Organisations (USO) which supports the military and their families.“In gratitude to our troops, and the opportunity to thank them personally for their sacrifice and service.”Such an honor and feeling very very blessed. USOtour”

Advocate for Political Participation and Leadership – UN women.listen to her 2015 speech.

Global ambassador for World Vision, the world’s largest international children’s charity.

Travelled to Rwanda in 2016 with World Vision to see first-hand the importance of clean water.

Travelled to India with World Vision in 2017, focusing on gender equality and particularly girls access to education.

Worked alongside the Myna Mahila Foundation focusing on stigma surrounding menstruation & how that can directly inhibits women from pursuing an education.Read Meghan’s article on the Myna Mahila Foundation for TIME.

Worked her way towards becoming a successful actress. Most noteably known for her role as Rachel Zane in USA networks hit show “Suits” from 2011-2017.

Brand ambassador for Canadian retailer, Reitmans. Creating/designing multiple collections .

Fluent in spanish and studied French for six years Participated in USA Network’s ‘I wont stand for’ campaign”I won’t stand for racism,” — Meghan between the ages of 13-17, volunteered at a soup kitchen in Skid Row, Los Angeles.Meghan continued to volunteer at the soup kitchen when she would return home to LA until the age of 22.

Attended the Novak Djokovic Foundation New York dinner in 2013The Novak Djokovic Foundation focuses on Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Development.

Wrote an essay titled “I’m More Than An ‘Other,'” for Elle Magazine on her bi-racial ethnicity in 2015here: https://t.co/Ki7L4DJbAQVolunteered with the Glass Slipper Project during her university years. An organisation that collects donated dresses for teenagers who are unable to buy their own prom attire.

Attended the Dove Self-Esteem Project event in 2015 aimed at helping young people all around the world build positive body confidence and self-esteem.

In 2016 hosted the Watercolour Project Event at LUMAS gallery in Toronto – paintings were made by students in Rwanda and ended up raising enough money to build a well through the help of World Vision.

In 2015, Meghan hosted the Women in Cable Telecommunications Signature Luncheon at McCormick Place – Chicago, Illinois. This luncheon is a premier industry event where distinguished leaders come together in support of women in the cable industry.

In 2014, Meghan/The Tig partnered with BRIKA to develop a capsule collection with proceeds going to Feeding America & Second Harvest. Second Harvest was also an organisation which Meghan worked with to pick up & deliver leftover food from the “suits” set to local soup kitchens

In 2013, spoke on the movement to stop discrimination, focusing on the gender pay gap.

Credit/ https://twitter.com/ddarveyy?s=09

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