Leaders Say

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, will deliver the keynote address at the U.N. General Assembly’s commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day  in New York.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex will deliver the keynote address at the U.N. General Assembly’s commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day on July 18th in New York.

“Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better!”
“Mandela Day is an occasion for all to take action and inspire change.”

Watch Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex deliver keynote address, on July 18th 10:00 AM EST

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex

According to UN spokeperson it is believed that Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex will be in attendance.                

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex in New York for Global Citizens VaxLive concert campaigning for equal vaccines where they were campaign chairs.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Nelson Mandela association comes along way. He had met Nelson Mandela’s widow Graça on more than one occasion, recently in 2019 with Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex during a royal tour of South Africa. Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also attended the opening of Nelson Mandela Centenary Exhibition where they met Mandela’s granddaughter Zamaswazi Dlamini-Mandela in London 2018 .

Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex and Nelson Mandela window Graça October 2019
Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Nelson Mandela granddaughter Zamaswazi London 2018

In 2013, during South Africa royal tour, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex visited the Nelson Mandela Foundation and Center for memory in Johannesburg. The day Mandela died, prince Harry pitched South African flag in Memory of Mandela .

“Prince Harry has always been interested in the life of Mandela and is said to “idolize” the anti-apartheid campaigner.”

Mandela Day is an occasion for all to take action
and inspire change.

Fun facts

SA-March 1997 Princess Diana met Nelson Mandela.

SA-October 2019, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex met Graça Machel Nelson Mandela’s widow.

July 2022 Prince Harry will deliver the keynote address at the U.N.General Assembly’s commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day.

“When you have anger, you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference. That’s what activism is. It’s about how we show up” Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex on Roe vs Wade ruling

In wake of supreme court overturning Roe vs Wade, Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex, the ever supporter and voice of women rights has put her perspective alongside her new found friend and fellow well known feminist Gloria Steinem.

Gloria and Meghan became friends once the former popular suits star and UN political advocate for women participation urged her to help her make phone calls to various people urging them to vote through Michelle Obama organization of “when we all vote”. And as usual with royal news,as along as the Empress, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex is concerned, it became world news debate and helped spread the cause and more people registered to vote.

Now through this Vogue interview thanks to Award winning journalist and founder of Independent Media company ‘News Not Noise ‘, Jessica Yelling, we learn that Meghan together with Gloria have been formulating a plan to get Equal Rights Amendment ratified. Wonderful indeed!!

In respect to Roe vs Wade, Jessica Yelling decided to moderate a conversation between the two Icons about their choice, realities of America before the overturning and after, and where the Women go from here. Sure enough if you or your closest was loosing hope here is why you should Not yet,as Yelling is reminded that ” change start with simple actions,and deadly setbacks sometimes precede transformational change.”

Here are some of Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex perspectives

On the impact of the rulling ___

This is having a very real impact on women’s bodies and lives starting now. Women are already sharing stories of how their physical safety is being put in danger. Women with resources will travel to get an abortion, those without might attempt to give themselves one at tremendous risk. Some will have to source abortion pills from unregulated pharmacies. Others who are pregnant and find themselves in a medical emergency will be at the mercy of doctors and lawyers to determine if a procedure that is needed to save her life can even be done at all. What does this tell women? It tells us that our physical safety doesn’t matter, and as a result that we don’t matter. But we do. Women matter. And this is one of the reasons that I called Gloria immediately. Because in all of it, she reminds me that when you have anger, you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference. That’s what activism is. It’s about how we show up.

On meeting Gloria Steinem for the first time and making cold calls to voters____

I was thrilled. I was nervous too. I thought, Oh my goodness, how am I going to be in front of Gloria Steinem? The [presidential] election was coming up soon and we both knew the value of women and everyone getting out to vote. The ripple effect of elections matters so much, and that’s what we’re seeing now, unfortunately.

Impact of ruling on Black women and what specifically worries her ____

These issues are systemic, interconnected, and preventable. Women of color and especially Black women are most impacted by these decisions because most of us don’t have the same access to health care, economic opportunity, mental health resources…the list goes on. It’s difficult to overstate what this decision is going to do to these communities.

On Court correcting the “error” of allowing same sex marriage, and even contraception ____

Absolutely. We saw it in plain terms with Justice Thomas’s concurring opinion. This is a blueprint for reversing rights. The ruling is a signal about the future of same-sex marriage, contraception access, and many fundamental rights to privacy. It feels like the tip of the iceberg and is part of why people feel so scared. We have to channel that fear into action. We can start this November in the midterms. I know hearing that feels so repetitive, but we have to vote, every time, from local elections to state and national elections.

On what can be done,is it voting for pro_choice candidate or where should people focus their attention on??____

It’s a much larger conversation about why for years, for decades, we’re fighting to get a constitutional amendment put through [the Equal Rights Amendment] that makes it clear that women can be treated equally, and how it is completely nonsensical that that’s even something we’re still fighting for. And Gloria, you know, we’ve talked about how to continue to push that through. I think now is probably the time more than ever before.

Normalizing conversation about abortion and women’s health ___

I think about how fortunate I felt to be able to have both of my children. I know what it feels like to have a connection to what is growing inside of your body. What happens with our bodies is so deeply personal, which can also lead to silence and stigma, even though so many of us deal with personal health crises. I know what miscarrying feels like, which I’ve talked about publicly. The more that we normalize conversation about the things that affect our lives and bodies, the more people are going to understand how necessary it is to have protections in place.

This is about women’s physical safety. It’s also about economic justice, individual autonomy, and who we are as a society. Nobody should be forced to make a decision they do not want to make, or is unsafe, or puts their own life in jeopardy. Frankly, whether it’s a woman being put in an unthinkable situation, a woman not ready to start a family, or even a couple who deserve to plan their family in a way that makes the most sense for them, it’s about having a choice. It’s interesting that here you’re talking to two women: one who chose to give birth happily, and one who chose not to give birth happily. And we’re both prospering because we were able to make our own choices. Incredible.

On Men who supports reproductive rights _____

Men need to be vocal in this moment and beyond because these are decisions that affect relationships, families, and communities at large. They may target women, but the consequences impact all of us. My husband and I talked about that a lot over the past few days. He’s a feminist too.

And his reaction last week was guttural, like mine. I know that for so many women right now, there is a sentiment of despair. But again, we have to band together and not wallow. We have to do the work.

Does this moment require anything___

This moment requires unity—really listening to people, understanding the Constitution was written at a time when women were second-class citizens. We’re not. Certain things need to change. I think it’s equally about honoring the people who’ve been doing the work long before us, like Gloria. I’m grateful that I’m holding a baton right there next to her and that we will continue to be doing this work together.

I always look at things with the undercurrent of hope. If you are someone who truly believes that there can be something better, if you’re someone who sees injustice, you have a choice: You can sit there and be complacent and watch it, or you can say, “What can I do to get us to the other side of this?” That’s another reason why I called Gloria, because I knew what I was looking for. What do we do? How do we do it? How do we support each other? How do we get the necessary changes across the line? What we need, in this moment, is to start with hope.

For more insight and full conversation visit Vogue website . The link is below as you will get more details about the interview


To celebrate International Women’s Day, let’s take a look at some of Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex most inspirational quotes on Women.

The Duchess of Sussex isn’t afraid to speak out on things that really matter to her and has long been a vocal advocate for women’s issues. From her powerful speech on the importance of gender equality at a UN Women summit in 2015, to delivering a heartfelt speech about women’s suffrage while on a royal tour of New Zealand in 2018.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, let’s take a look at some of Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex most inspirational quotes on Women

On Age

“As you get older, you become more comfortable in your skin and comfortable in saying no to things…I’ve also learned that saying no is just as valuable as saying yes. It’s something that, I think, comes with age and really having a sense of your self-worth. And then you make choices based on that.”

Know your Value

“I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.”

Find a balance

“Take things with a grain of salt, and find balance within your life. On your lunch break, leave to go and get some fresh air. You don’t need to make your life your job. I have to find that balance for myself, as well…I think you have to make time for yourself so that work doesn’t become the end-all be-all.”

Be Kind to Yourself

We just need to be kinder to ourselves. If we treated ourselves the way we treated our best friend, can you imagine how much better off we would be?”

You Are Enough

You are complete with or without a partner. You are enough just as you are.” —The Tig, her former lifestyle website

International Women’s Day visit to Dagenham, 2020

The Duchess of Sussex has called on teenage boys to “value, appreciate and protect” the women in their lives, on a surprise school visit ahead of International Women’s Day. And she urged them to “set the example for some men who are not seeing it that same way”.

International Women’s Day panel discussion, 2019

“Your confidence comes in knowing that a woman by your side, not behind you, is actually something you shouldn’t be threatened about but, opposed to that, you should feel really empowered in having that additional support that this is really about us working together.


“That’s what gender equality means for me and having men part of that conversation saying there’s nothing threatening about a woman coming up to the same level, it’s our safety in numbers, this is our power and our strength as a team.”

UN Women Conference, 2015

“Women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there, and in some cases, where this is not available, they need to create their own table. We need a global understanding that we cannot implement change effectively without women’s political participation.”

Create and Cultivate online platform, 2016

“You don’t have to play dress up to be a feminist. You are a feminist exactly the way you are. You can be a woman who wants to look good and still stand up for the equality of women. There’s no uniform for feminism; you are a feminist exactly the way you are.”

Meghan Markle open letter, 2014

“You need to know that you’re enough. A mantra that has now ingrained itself so deeply within me that not a day goes by without hearing it chime in my head. That five pounds lost won’t make you happier, that more make-up won’t make you prettier, that the now iconic saying from Jerry Maguire – ‘you complete me’ – frankly, isn’t true. You are complete with or without a partner. You are enough just as you are.”

UN Women Conference, 2015

“Women make up more than half of the world’s population and potential, so it is neither just nor practical for their voices, for our voices, to go unheard at the highest levels of decision-making.”

InStyle interview, 2015

“I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home, or anywhere you go is just knowing your value.”

The Royal Foundation Forum, 2018

“I hear a lot of people saying, when talking about girls’ empowerment and women as well, you’ll often hear people saying, ‘You’re helping them find their voices’, I fundamentally disagree with that. Women don’t need to find their voice. They need to feel empowered to use it and people need to be encouraged to listen.”

University of Johannesburg visit, 2019

“When we empower girls hungry for education, we cultivate women who are emboldened to effect change within their communities and globally.”

UN Women Conference, 2015

“It is said that girls with dreams become women with vision. May we empower each other to carry out such vision — because it isn’t enough to simply talk about equality. One must believe it. And it isn’t enough to simply believe in it. One must work at it. Let us work at it. Together. Starting now.”

Elle Magazine Canada, 2015

“Be kind to yourself. Truly, if we treated ourselves as well as we treated our best friends we would be a million miles ahead of the game.”

New Zealand royal tour, 2018

“Women’s suffrage is about feminism, but feminism is about fairness. Suffrage is not simply about the right to vote but also about what that represents: the basic and fundamental human right of being able to participate in the choices for your future and that of your community, the involvement and voice that allows you to be a part of the very world that you are a part of.

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