
Live life like a boss,it your life,it’s your choice your decision. Rules of living life unapologetically.

Your mental health and safety comes above everything. Even when it seems there is no escape and no light at the end of the tunnel, please hold on. Rock bottom means the only way is up.

You are allowed to share your story, even if it makes people uncomfortable. The truth will always cause some people discomfort. It’s there responsibility to manage that discomfort not yours.

You deserve to speak your truth Eve if it paints people in a bad light. If they wanted you to tell your story differently,they should have behaved better.

The way you choose to live your life is your decision. You can survive other people’s disappointment or disapproval. Your decision may allow you to not just survive but thrive.

Prioritize your peace every single time.

You are not responsible for protecting anyone or anything which has harmed you,no matter how powerful they are.

Dear reader,here is Life diaries

Failure is a must

Life will be filled with failure, especially for the brave who put themselves out there. When failure happens, look first at yourself, because this is all you can really control. Assume the burden, build yourself stronger, and be ready for the next challenge.

Big dreams will motivate you

The amount of work it takes your brain to work on chasing a small dream versus a big dream is the same. You are more likely to be inspired and motivated if the dream is larger and seemingly impossible to achieve.

             What you should never do:

Never allow anyone to get away with disrespecting you, or it will happen again. Never let anyone tell you, your goals are too big or impossible. Never take anyone for granted. Never give up on the things that are meaningful, or mean the most to you.

You are doing your best. Look at how far you’ve come.

                      Things to focus on

1. Your purpose in life
2. Your health
3. Your mental wellness
4. Having more fun
5. Carrying less stress
6. Simplifying your life
7. Spending time with true friends
8. Being confident
9. Taking chances
10. Being grateful
11. Reaching goals
                                 Daily mantra

-Trust in myself
-Stay positive
-Stop overthinking
-Work hard
-Be teachable
-Be humble
-Be a friend

              Daily reminder

• Do your absolute best.
• Keep a positive mindset.
• Embrace new challenges.
• Worrying gets you nowhere.
• Be thankful for your blessings.
• Use your time and energy wisely.


What you believe, you can achieve.

Try again when you fail.

Happiness is always a choice.

Experience can never be bought.

Knowledge stays with you forever.

Tomorrow is another good day.

Surround yourself with positive people

If you surround yourself with positive people they will build you up and the sky will be the limit. Positive people will always force you to level up. Never worry when the rain comes because the storm will separate your loyal friends who build you up and those who build you down. If someone is missing during your storm, be grateful, for an obstacle has been eliminated from your way to sussess. Whatever makes you mad, leave it., whatever makes you smile, keep it.Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others and on the other hand unsuccessful people are always asking “what is in it for me?”,so you will know which company to surround yourself with.

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